Բլոգի հաշվիչ՝ Liveinternet

Monday, March 16, 2015


Ecology is the greatest problem of our century.
Since ancient times Nature has served Man, being the source of life. For thousands of years people lived in harmony with environment and it seemed to them that natural riches were unlimited. But with the development of civilization man’s int
erference in nature began to increase.
Mankind long believed that whatever we did, the Earth would remain much the same. We know now that is untrue. Nature is under threat. One county’s pollution can be every country’s problem. So we all need to work together to safeguard our environment.
People have always polluted their surroundings. But until now pollution was not such a serious problem. With the development of crowded industrial cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprises appear all over the world today. The by – products of their activity pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we grow grain and vegetable on.
In the 20th century with the growth of science and technology human achievements in conquering the nature became so great, that man’s economic activities began to have an increasingly negative effect on the Earth. There are many ecological problems today : littering, air pollution, water pollution, destruction of natural resources and many others. Nuclear industry has serious technological problems about the nuclear waste.
Among the most urgent problems are the ozone layer, acid rains, global warming, greenhouse effect, disappearance of forests, destruction of soil, contamination of underground waters by chemical elements.
Lakes and rivers are becoming polluted. Many fish are dying in the sea, others are getting contaminated. Some beaches are dangerous for swimming.
The other problem is that our forests are dying from acid rains. The destruction of rainforests affects the balance of nature in many ways. It kills animals, changes the climate and ecosystem in the world. The forests are disappearing very fast. Many Species of fish, birds and mammals disappear. The reason is Man that kills animals and destroys their habitats. There are many illnesses which we still cannot cure. There are old ones like cancer and new ones like AIDS. It maybe that the medicines we need will be discovered in wild plants in savannas or rainforests. If we destroy these places, we will never find the cure. Ecological problems have no borders. April 22, is Earth Day. The activity of many public organizations is directed to protect environment and our fragile planet.
The Earth has enough for every man’s need but not for every man’s greed.

Ընթերցելով ընկալելու գործունեություն
Reading for gist –  ընթերցելով հասկանալ տեքստի ընդհանուր միտքը
Reading for specific information – ընթերցելով ընկալել հատուկ տեղեկատվությունը
Reading for details – ընթերցելով հասկանալ տեքստի բոլոր մանրամասները
I Ճանաչում
Բացահայտել տեքստի տիպը
It's a public article.
Բացահայտել յուրաքանչյուր պարբերության գլխավոր միտքը և վերնագրել այն
I. People used to live in harmony with nature, because they were not civilised. Now man's interference has increased. Because of industrial development rivers are polluted, the number of trees and forests were decreased.
II.  During 20th century industrial activities were developed, people begun to unsparing use yield of nature.  Because of economic crisis people began to cut down forestes to heat their houses. The oligarchses are builting hydro power stations to earn more money without thinking our nature.
III. By cutting down forestes, polluting the rivers and lakes we change ecosystem, and because of it many bird's and animal's species were damaged. Thre are many diseases which appeared during last century and maybe cures of them are in nature.
Որոշել հեղինակի նպատակը
The main aim of the author is to make known us about ecological problems of the world. We must know what type of problems there are to protect and save nature. The future is ours and we need to do every possible thing to make better world.
II  Բանալի բառեր

Տեքստն ընթերցելու ընթացքում գտնել և ընդգծել տեքստի բովանդակության համար առանցքային բառերը: Օրինակ,
(ecology, environment, pollution, industrial waste, economic activities, nuclear waste, contamination, rainforest, endangered species, habitat)

Ecology- էկոլոգիա
Enviroment- շրջակա միջավայր
Pollution- աղտոտվածություն
Industrial waste- արդյունաբերական թափոններ
Economic activities- տնտեսական գործունեություն
Nuclear waste- միջուկային թափոններ
Contamination- աղտոտիչներ, թունավոր նյութեր
Rainforest- մշտադալար, անձրևաշատ անտառներ
Endangered species- վտանգված տեսակներ
Habit- բնակավայր

 III   Կռահել անծանոթ բառի իմաստը ծանոթ բառակազմական բաղադրիչների հիման վրա
a)      part of medicine that helps people to lead a healthy life
b)      plants growing in some area
c)      natural balance between plants, animals, people and their environment.

a)air, water and land, in which people, animals and plants live
b)an organization that wants to protect the natural world
c)something that we do to prevent air and water pollution.

a)      people who make water, air and atmosphere dirty and dangerous
b)      dirty water, air and atmosphere
c)      making water, air, atmosphere dirty and dangerous for people and animals to live in.

a)      the problem of temperature rise in the Earth’s atmosphere
b)       a salad made mainly with green vegetables
c)      a building  in a garden or park which has glass walls and a glass roof in which you grow plants.

IV    Համակցում  – matching
Համապատասխանեցնել տեքստից վերցված ու համարակալված բառերը տառերով նշված բացատրություններին:
a. disappearing species of birds and animals 3

b. spoilt, dangerous, poisonous, causind even death 2

c. what is around us 4

d. radioactive remains from the power plants 6

e. a kind of rain full of chemical elements 7

6.nuclear waste
f. the place where birds and animals live 10

7.acid rains
g. easily broken 9

8.to pollute
h. plants and factories 5

i. the result of destroying 1

j. the act of making dirty and dangerous for people and animals 8

    V .             Դերախաղ        Role – play
Our Correspondent in the City Centre.
Սովորողները բաժանվում են զույգերի: Նրանց ժամանակ է տրվում կազմելու մի ուղղորդված երկխոսություն ըստ տեքստի: Զրուցակիցներից մեկը թղթակից է, մյուսները՝ անցորդներ:
Text – Urban problems
The cities grow very quickly. Those living in the countryside move to the cities. As a result, most cities are very crowded. People are driving more cars, burning more fuel, using more water and energy, eating more food, making more rubbish and producing more things than ever before.
A   Dialogue
 Cor.   – Look around you. What do you see?
What do you hear? What do you smell?
 I  passenger   -  I can hear the noise of traffic.
II passenger   – I can see heavy traffic and traffic jams.
III passenger  – I can smell the pollution of cars and factories.
Cor.  – Don’t the cities grow very quickly?
I pas. – Of course, they do. Yerevan is very crowded. It
Has become more crowded in the last fifteen years.
Cor. – What worries you in such a big city?
II pas. – Besides heavy traffic there is much noise from the construction sites.
III pass. – Many of the houses are dull and faceless.
Cor.  – Then what drives people from the countryside to big cities?
I pass.  – Many jobless people come to the cities in  search of jobs.
Actually they are jobless.
Cor.  – But aren’t there any jobless people in big cities?
I pass.  – Well, you see. This is a social problem that is expected to be solved in the near future.
Cor.  – Thank you. Let’s hope for the best.
I pass. – No thanks at all.
VI  Դեմ և կողմ
Փոքր խմբերով քննարկվում են մի որևէ երևույթի վերաբերյալ կողմ և դեմ հայացքները: Մի խումբը մտածում է «կողմ» փաստարկների մասին, մյուսը` «դեմ»: Այնուհետև խմբերը բանավիճում են` հերթով ներկայացնելով իրենց փաստարկները:

All over the world people are moving from the country to the cities. Many prefer to live in the city but some would like to make their home in the country.
Which is your choice?
Example   1. I’d rather live in the country because I can spend a lot of time outside.
I’d rather live in the city because I can lead an interesting life.
      “Country“ words

1. to lead a quiet life
2.to work outdoors
3.to take care of animals
4. to breathe fresh air
5.to eat healthy food
6.to enjoy countryside
7. to live among friendly people
     “City” words

1.to have many things to do and to see
2.to have all modern conveniences
3. to work with modern machines
4.to have a lot of places to get education
5.to be able to go to the theatre (cinema, museums, galleries)

   VII        Վերնագրել
Կարդալ համաշխարհային կազմակերպությունների անունները և դրանց դասակարգել ըստ իրենց գործունեության ոլորտի:
Look through the list and try to classify them into the categories mentioned below.
List of pressure groups and the spheres of their activity.
World Wide Fund for Animal Rights Society
Anti – Nuclear Group
Age Concern
Nature Struggle for Tropical Rainforests and Marine Conservation
Compaign for Nuclear Disarmament
Friends of the Earth
Nuclear Tests Freeze Compaign
Royal Society for the Preservation of Cruelty to Animals
Survival International (struggle against rainforest logging)
Anti – Nuclear Pressure groups
Environmental Pressure groups

VIII            Ճանաչում- տրված պնդումների մեջ տարբերել ճիշտը, սխալը և այն, որը չի վերաբերում տեքստի բովանդակությանը:
Կարդալ ներկայացված տեքստը և շրջանակի մեջ վերցնել
T (true) –
F (false) –
Irrelative –
Wild animals are also a part of our environment and many of them are in of extinction. Some of them are killed for food or medicine, but most die because we are careless and indifferent. The World Wildlife Fund is an organization for saving wild animals. Many types of animals disappear in Armenia too because pollution destroys their environment. Among them are snakes, wolves, bears, lizards and so on.

Animals have the right to live too.
People are more important than animals.
It makes no difference if snakes disappear.
We need wild animals because they are
beautiful to look at.
Protect birds, they are our friends.
Destroy birds’ nests and eggs.
Wild animals are dangerous and they
always kill people.
The World Wildlife Fund is an organization
that deals with healthy lifestyle.
People kill bears because they are afraid
of them.
Many types of animals disappear in
Armenia because it is hot in Armenia in summer.
  Գրելու կարողությունները զարգացնող գործունեության տեսակներ
 Տեքստի ստեղծում`հետևելով նմուշին
Following a Matrix
Տրված տեքստի քերականական կառուցվածքների, բառապաշարի և բովանդակության հիման վրա հանձնարարվում է գրել մի տեքստ, որը կլինի բնապահպանության, բնաջնջման եզրին կանգնած և «Կարմիր գրքում» դասված կենդանիների մասին:
What are You doing, Man?
Animals in Danger
To begin the essay with these sentences :
We are the only species that can change the world.
We are the only species that can choose either to look after the world or destroy it.
Տեքստի կրճատում
Կրճատել տեքստը՝ չխախտելով հիմնական բովանդակությունը
e.g.                                       “Ecology of Man”
It may sound funny to you, but man needs protection and care as much as animals do. People’s habitats – their homes, town and cities – must be kept ecologically clean. In the places where people drink poisoned water, eat bad food and breathe polluted air they suffer from serious diseases and die early, their children are born weak. No medicines prescribed by the doctors can help them. This problem becomes more and more serious every passing day. The modern way of life when people have little physical activity, use cars  instead of walking, watch television for many hours and work on computers is turning them into legless creatures, etc.
Թեմատիկ բառապաշար
1.in harmony with –  a pleasing combination of related things
environment – things around us
3.interference – the action of interesting
to interfere – to concern oneself with or take action affecting somebody else’s affairs without being invited in
4.enterprise –  a) a business company or firm
b) business activity developed and managed by individuals rather than the state
to pollute – to make something dirty or no longer pure
increasingly – more and more
7.destruction –   the action of destroying something or being destroyed
8.to contaminate –  to make something impure by adding substances that are dangerous or carry disease, contamination (n.)  e.g. radioactive contamination
9.to endanger –  a)  to cause danger to smb/smth
b) to put smb/smth in danger
habitat – the natural environment of an animal or a plant
habitation (n.) the process of living in a place
fragile – easily broken
acid rain – rain that is made acid by gasses released from factories and that damages trees, crops, buildings
nuclear waste – substances produced or resulted from nuclear energy.


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