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Saturday, December 13, 2014

Are parents the best teachers?

Our parents are first teachers because before we go to school, they teach us to speak, to paint, to walk etc. In schools teachers teach students only knowledge, they don't discus anything,  they don't teach their students to think, to explore. Fortunately, in our school we have many discussion during our lessons, we explore, we watch short movies etc. 

When I was a five, my parents taught me to write, to read and when I went to school, I was already able to write and to read. I agree to the idea that children are the mirrors of their family. Parents bring up their children in the way they want, and the children are at an early age easly affected, they follow their parents actions, deeds.
I think that parents should be very careful concerning their children's bringing up, because every mistake can affect on children's character. Sometimes I think that must be parents' schools, were people will learn how to bring up their childrens as well as it's  possible.
In conclusion, parents are people, who teachs us things about life and right lifestyle. Respect our parents, they are with us every moment.


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